Post Divorce Journey

There’s no going back. You’ve left your last mediation, arbitration or court session. The documents are signed. Now what? Do you feel numb, tired, and unlike yourself? Or do you feel exhilarated and free? I remember feeling devastated, worn out and off-center. I wasn’t sure what it meant to not be married. Not be a wife. Not be Mrs. So-and-so.

This is a critical juncture in your post-divorce journey. You’ve completed a monumentally difficult life-altering event and now is the time to take care of yourself. To heal. To take time to learn what it means to be un-married. Single. Ms. So-and-so. You are now filing taxes as single or head of household, if you have dependent children. You have the final say to every question. What’s for breakfast? What to pack for lunch? What should I wear? When should I go to bed? Should I date? When does my car need an oil change? How do I hang a flat screen tv? Where is the damn fuse box 

This is a time to get clear on your values. To understand the core principles that guide each step of your day. When was the last time you took a personal inventory of who you are, who you hope to be, what your family rules will be? This is also the time to think about making goals – short, medium and long-term goals.

I’ve done all of this. Not because I thought of it on my own, but because I was drowning and my self-worth was diminishing and I found someone to guide me. This guidance helped me find a fresh start. We all need a re-charge after life challenges. We need to get to a place where we can say with confidence, I made it and now I’m stronger! Give me a call. Let’s start working towards your next best chapter.


Getting a Divorce… What Does it Mean?