Stages of Divorce

Find more information about considering a divorce, getting a divorce, and rebuilding after divorce below. No matter what part of the journey you’re in, we can work together to help you.

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Considering Divorce

You’re early in the process and have been wrestling with your spouse or yourself about your marriage for a while. You need someone trustworthy to talk to. Someone who will listen and give you meaningful and knowledgeable feedback.

This is the time for clarity and perspective. I can help you understand what it means to be separated from an emotional, financial, spiritual and parental point of view to help you find your path forward.


Getting a Divorce

You or your spouse has made a decision. Now it’s time to get informed, get educated and find your strength.

This is an overwhelming time of anxiety, stress and confusion. We will review the types of divorce processes available - mediation, collaboration, litigation or do-it-yourself - before you are deep in the middle and the decision is made for you. I will help you find courage to walk this journey for yourself, your children and your future. You deserve to have an partner on this journey.

Signing papers

Rebuilding After Divorce

You’ve signed on the dotted line and finalized who gets what, but how do you move forward? How do you talk to your kids about it?

The rebuilding is a slow process that needs to be finessed. Each day will bring new challenges. Each month there may be moments of deep grief of sadness to exhaustion and more feelings of being overwhelmed. I can help you manage your emotions to get through your day. I can help you create goals to help pave your path forward. I can help you stay grounded and strong as you re-build your life.